শনিবার, ৯ জুন, ২০১২

0 Install Windows 8 Metro UI on Windows XP, Vista and 7

Omnimo 5.0 Windows 7
  Download RainmeterDownload Omnimbring the Metro UI of Windows 8 to your Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 PC. Well those mosaic panels will be displayed and can be modified in shape and other structure. So with this tweak you will be able to read live news and display installed software's right on your front page.
So first you will need to install the Rainmeter and than you will install the Omnimo 5.0 software created by fediaFedia and Xyrfo, so download them from right hand side and start customizing your PC, well remember we have not tested this on our PC so we are not able to give you a live experience review so if you find any problems we are not responsible for that.


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